About US
Primogen Biotech
Primogen Biotech Pvt Ltd is a biotechnology company established in 2022 with an aim to provide products and services pertaining to biotechnological solutions for the sustainable improvement of our society. We started our endeavor with the establishment of TrimoPrim™: an affordable kit for simultaneous isolation of DNA, RNA and protein for genomics and proteomics analysis. TrimoPrim™ is the first “Make in India” product of its kind and it was developed with the support of DBT-BIRAC, Govt of India under BIG grant.
Synergistic study of genomics and proteomics is important to decipher the molecular mechanism taking place inside any biological system. In order to do so simultaneous extraction of DNA, RNA & protein will be required, which is quite difficult normally. Limited kits are available for such isolation but costly in price and extracted biomolecules are often contaminated with RNA or DNA. Therefore, there is a big opportunity to develop a kit for simultaneous extraction of DNA, RNA and protein from a single biological sample with USP like: Make in India, affordable and broad spectrum applicability. As a solution we have developed an affordable, rapid and user friendly kit for DNA/RNA/protein simultaneous isolation.
We also provide genomic and proteomic related services like: DNA isolation, plasmid isolation, restriction digestion of DNA, gene cloning, PCR works, microbial colony PCR, RNA isolation, reverse transcription or complementary DNA preparation, protein extraction, SDS-PAGE analysis, etc. Primogen Biotech Pvt Ltd also provide genomics and proteomics related training courses.
To be a leader in the world when it comes to providing bioservices to organisations and institutions involved in the life sciences, including those in the health, agricultural, veterinary, analytical, and academic fields.
Service delivery with integrity, accountability, and an unwavering dedication to quality and customer satisfaction.
Our Commitment
Primogen Biotech uses cutting-edge technology and ethical standards to provide customers with a genuine, scientific approach to solving pressing problems.
Value Proposition
Primogen Biotech is outfitted with state-of-the-art technology and high throughput laboratories. These facilities are staffed by highly qualified and experienced professionals.
Quality Assurance
Primogen Biotech provides genomics and proteomics related products and services while upholding standards and regulations. The products and services are on par with world standards.
Accurate Results
Precision results are a hallmark of Primogen Biotech. We provide unmatched accuracy of test results and highest success rate to partner with many top research organizations and academic institutions.
Primogen Biotech is determined to provide dynamic nature of businesses and the competitive landscape, there by establishing a reputation for providing high-quality services with a quick turnaround.
Meet the people who are dedicated to security, compliance, and trust and who run Primogen Biotech.
Our Team

Pranita Hazarika
Pranita Hazarika is an upcoming young mind and tea scientist having a zeal to transform research and development (R&D) to research and business (R&B) leading her journey to entrepreneurial endeavour.

Dr H Ranjit Singh
Dr. H Ranjit Singh and his team were the first to report on the construction of tea transgenic to control blister blight disease. He holds a PhD in Biotechnology from Gauhati University and MSc from Burdwan University.

Dhiraj Kumar Das
Project Associate
Mr. Dhiraj Kumar Das is an MSc passed out from Cotton University, Guwahati with two years plus of research experience; UGC-NET qualified; GATE qualified.
Scientific Advisor

Dr Sudripta Das
Scientist F
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD),
Imphal-795001. Manipur
Dr. Sudripta Das is one of India’s leading scientist, renowned tea molecular biology experts and plant molecular biologists. He holds a PhD in Biotechnology from University of Calcutta and MSc from University of Calcutta.

Pranita Hazarika
Pranita Hazarika is an upcoming young mind and tea scientist having a zeal to transform research and development (R&D) to research and business (R&B) leading her journey to entrepreneurial endeavour. She is interested in doing science for solving societal problems with sustainable and affordable biotechnological solutions. Her first idea on tea molecular biology was supported by DBT-BIRAC, Govt of India in the form of Biotechnology Ignition Grant of 50 lakh INR to undertake her product oriented research project on “Development of an affordable kit for simultaneous and rapid (3 h) isolation of DNA, RNA and protein from a single leaf sample for genomic and proteomic analysis”. This project has lead to the registration of Primogen Biotech Pvt Ltd. She was also invited by Guwahati Biotech Park and IIT Delhi couple of times to narrate about her success story in order to motivate young audience.
Pranita Hazarika was the first to report on the development of protein molecular marker for finger printing tea cultivar. She is famous amongst tea scientists on the establishment of tissue culture derived tea planting materials for commercial application. Her success story was also covered by many national and international dailies during February 2020. She has also report about stink bean tree as an economical tea shade tree (https://in.linkedin.com/in/pranita-hazarika-2859bb86).
Pranita Hazarika holds an MSc degree in biotechnology from Bangalore University. She has an illustrious research experience of more than a decade in the field of molecular biology like genomics and proteomics, plant tissue culture, etc. She has successfully completed two numbers of research projects assigned to her to solve tea tissue culture problem by TTRI, Jorhat. At present she is running a Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India funded research project as a Project Coordinator.
Pranita Hazarika has five research publications in international and national journals to her credit with an average IF of 1.3. Most of her research works are patentable and she has filed two Indian patents to her credit and couple of ideas are in pipeline. She has also reviewed some manuscripts of Indian Journal of Biotechnology (Springer), etc.
Her scientific idea is the sparking reason behind the scientific domain of Primogen Biotech Pvt Ltd. She is also an example of women empowerment. She leads the company as a director who dares to fight challenges. She is the master mind of the company and her first scientific idea was successfully translated into the first product of the company. The first “Make in India” KIT for DNA/RNA/protein isolation.

Dr H Ranjit Singh
Dr. H Ranjit Singh and his team were the first to report on the construction of tea transgenic to control blister blight disease. He holds a PhD in Biotechnology from Gauhati University and MSc from Burdwan University. He has eleven years plus research experience on plant molecular biology and plant tissue culture; filed two nos of Indian patents. He has more than 21 international publications of peer-reviewed journals to his credit (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/H-Ranjit-Singh-2). He has also served as a reviewers for some journals like: Current Proteomics (Bentham Science, Impact Factor 0.837), Functional and Integrative Genomics (Springer, Impact Factor 3.674), Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (Elsevier, Impact Factor 6.76), PCTOC (Springer, Impact Factor 2.77), Molecular Breeding (Springer, Impact Factor 3.297), Electronics Journal of Biotechnology (Elsevier, Impact Factor 2.826), An International Journal of Plant Research and Biotechnology (Springer).
Dr Singh has an experience of over eight years of teaching post graduate students in Cotton University, Guwahati. He was involved as a Project Manager for the project entitled “Development of an affordable kit for simultaneous and rapid (3 h) isolation of DNA, RNA and protein from a single leaf sample for genomic and proteomic analysis” Biotechnology Ignition Grant, funded by DBT-BIRAC, Govt of India. His constant efforts enabled establishing of several techniques in genomics, to review market demand for new products/development of new economical biotech products, verification/validation, and commercial launches.
Dr. Singh’s indispensable contribution has enabled Primogen Biotech Pvt Ltd to launch its first “Make in India” KIT for DNA/RNA/protein isolation in India. He heads the company’s operations in the position of a Director, responsible for leading entire Primogen Biotech Group, creating strategies for growth through collaborations, partnerships. He is a visionary biotechnologist with a goal to establish the company’s presence across the globe with a large portfolio of genomic/ proteomic services and products.

Dhiraj Kumar Das
Project Associate
Mr. Dhiraj Kumar Das is an MSc passed out from Cotton University, Guwahati with two years plus of research experience; UGC-NET qualified; GATE qualified. He has been working as a Project Associate for a DBT, BIRAC funded project entitled “Development of an affordable kit for simultaneous and rapid (3 h) isolation of DNA, RNA and protein from a single leaf sample for genomic and proteomic analysis” w.e.f. 15.03.2022.
Mr. Dhiraj Kumar Das is an energetic young man with amiable nature and he is found to be obedient and sincere in discharging his duties. During the course of his involvement in the project he has learned to isolate genomic DNA, total RNA and protein from plants, animals and microbes. He has also learned to digest DNA with restriction endonucleases, amplify gene with the help of PCR, molecular marker analysis, complementary DNA synthesis and SDS-PAGE analysis of proteins. He holds a special position in Primogen Biotech Scientific Group. His contribution, particularly during the primordial stage, for the company will always be remembered for good. He will always find a place in the good book of Primogen Biotech.

Dr Sudripta Das
Scientist F
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD),
Imphal-795001. Manipur
Dr. Sudripta Das is one of India’s leading scientist, renowned tea molecular biology experts and plant molecular biologists. He holds a PhD in Biotechnology from University of Calcutta and MSc from University of Calcutta. Post-Doctoral Fellow in Noble Research Centre, Oklahoma State University, under Prof. Ramanjulu Sunkar. IFCPAR-CEFIPRA Post-Doctoral Fellowship and worked under Prof. David Tepfer at Lab. Rhizosphere, INRA, France. He has several peer-reviewed international scientific publications to his credit (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sudripta-Das).
He has over 20 years of research experience in the areas of structural and functional genomics related to Plant Stress Biology, pioneer in tea plant DNA sequencing and has been associated with over eighteen research project funded by DBT- Govt of India, DST- Govt of India, CISR- Govt of India, Tea Board- Govt of India, etc.
His persistent efforts in providing scientific advises makes the core of scientific team of Primogen Biotech Pvt Ltd. Primogen Biotech Scientific Group is assured about his presence during any scientific related needful period.